Vesturdalur and Hljóðaklettar is a magical place in in Jökulsárgljúfur National Park and the whole canyon is a part of Vatnajökull National Park. The visitor center for the area can be found at in Gljúfrastofa in Ásbyrgi.
Nearby places:
Ásbyrgi, Hafragilsfoss, Dettifoss
Hiking routes in the area:
Here you can download pdf hiking maps of Ásbyrgi and Jökulsárgljúfur
Eight thousand years ago, a volcano erupted directly underneath the river and glacial ice. This caused explosions and chaotic flooding which formed the canyons and the fascinating volcanic formations found in the area. The center of the image shows Hljóðaklettar (rock of echoes). Further down the canyon are Rauðhólar (Red Hills) which are of special interest because of their special colouring.